Material Assistance
Become the best parent you can be while earning what your baby needs!
The Earn While You Learn (EWYL) program gives you the opportunity to earn Baby Bucks to purchase the items you will need for your baby on a weekly basis. We will help you gain the knowledge to become the best parent you can be for your baby.
Both moms and dads can participate in the Earn While You Learn Program. Through video lessons and worksheets, you will learn important and interesting information about your pregnancy, your developing baby, and life after birth.
There are a number of topics to choose from. Our caring staff will help you create a program that will meet your specific needs. The lessons are educational and very practical.
Baby Boutique
Our EWYL program allows you to earn the Baby Bucks needed to purchase brand new items such as diapers, wipes, formula, baby clothing, carseats, cribs and more.
Please call today 517-263-5701 or schedule your appointment online.